Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Dairy Entry

From here until the 15th December, i was working on my final report.

Reflection: I could have spent more time working on my report section to add more detail to give the reader a wider understanding of the project.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Diary Entry

Completed all of my tasks (1-9). I am starting to work on my report.

Relfection: I could of worked harder on my questions to fill them in with more detail bt i have done enough for a pass mark.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Diary Entry

I have completed my PAP and i am currently completing the rest of my questions so that they will be finished for the following week.

Reflection: I could of put more detail into my PAP but it still covers everything that is required, the rest of my questions were completed to what was asked.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Task Activity 5. – Work Functions

Task Activity 4. Skills and Learning Identification

Diary Entry

I completed another one of my task's, it was about skills and learning. I listed four different learning outcomes that i have achieved. Then i did another task about my work functions, this is about my work, what my job is about and more information. I also started to work on my PAP, i completed 2/3 sections and i will completed the final section next week.

Reflection: I could of spent some more time on the tasks, this would be to fill them in with alot more detail, this would give the reader a better understanding. To complete my PAP next week, i could of gone over my skills and learning in more detail and explained more about what i actually did.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Task Activity 9 – Do You Know a Possible Mentor?

There are many different suitable mentors within my organisation, I have a supervisor that always looks over my work, and checks what everyone is doing. This would be a good person to have as a mentor because he knows everything that I am doing or what I am suppose to be doing.

I would choose this person to be my mentor as they know all of my responsibilities and have a good overview over me. They also have supervisor attributes so he will know a lot about mentoring and will be able to help me out with that I have to do.