Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Task Activity 9 – Do You Know a Possible Mentor?

There are many different suitable mentors within my organisation, I have a supervisor that always looks over my work, and checks what everyone is doing. This would be a good person to have as a mentor because he knows everything that I am doing or what I am suppose to be doing.

I would choose this person to be my mentor as they know all of my responsibilities and have a good overview over me. They also have supervisor attributes so he will know a lot about mentoring and will be able to help me out with that I have to do.

Skill Self Appraisal

Diary Entry

Today i wrote about possible mentors within my work place, and why i though certain people would be a good role in being my mentor for the module/project. So now my mentor is sorted out for my project. I also completed a self skills apraisal, this has different sections of skills and i have to give examples of where i use them skills, or what i have done that consists of the skill.

Reflection: I could of added in more examples of how i have used certain skills, and what help they was to me, and what i need to learn more about to fuller my learning skills. And to of got all of my mentor work sorted out earlier on, time management would be better if i was more ontop of my work.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Task Activity 1 - Job Description

Job Title: Advanced Apprentice, Mechanical Engineering

Reporting Structure: Reports directly to Systems Engineering Manager

Key Objectives: Four years training towards engineering status in the build, test and calibration of process systems within the Systems Engineering Department. Learning all aspects of the manufacture of the company’s products and systems through an in-house training scheme which will incorporate key areas of the manufacturing purpose such as stock control, purchasing, and planning in addition to understanding how to build, test and calibrate systems.

External study towards HNC and 1st degree in mechanical engineering plus certificates incorporated into the national advanced apprentice scheme which includes PEO, key skills and NVQ qualifications all supervised by our external training provider West Anglia Training Association (WATA).


· Hands on work

· Understanding of mechanical engineering systems

· Good communication and personal organisation

· Hard work, flexibility and attention to detail

· Ability to work to deadlines

The above were my objectives when I started my apprenticeship, these objectives have stayed the same as I am working through them to complete my apprenticeship; I have done everything listed such as build, text, and calibration of systems. I have also had to use many of the skills within different jobs, or even when it comes to completing college/WATA work.

When I first starting my role as an apprentice I was lost and didn’t really know what I was doing to start with, but I got given all the advice and help needed to get me through this stage. I now know what my role is. I have also started to go to more experience engineers for advice on how to do certain parts of the job well.

Within my company there are many different opportunities to progress through. I can learn a lot from people that are above me in the company, as most of them have followed the path I am taking, to get to where they are now. The company have put me on a college course to help aid my working need’s, they also put me on any available training which they think will help me in any way.

Proposal for project

The project I am choosing to complete for Work Based Learning 1 is a fully working pump. This will help to complete function tests on the other systems that are built specifically for a customer. This pump will be built into a small plastic case, this is so none of the wires or electronics are visible and they will not cause any health and safety issues. The pump will get attached onto the outlet of a system, when the pump is switched on it will begin to draw air through it, this will allow a constant flow. This helps the sensor within the system pick up an accurate dew point reading.

What I will need to do:
For this project I will have to do a variety of tasks, to start with I will have to find an unused pump on its own. Check the wiring and safety of the pump, once I think it looks safe to the eye, I will start to electrically test it, this will make sure it is safe to use. Next I will have to find a suitable case for the pump to be located in. This case will have to have some holes cut out of the back; these will be for the air inlet/outlet, a power switch and a vent for the warm air.

Theories and practice
Doing this project will help me to manage my time, and teach me how to plan time; this will help me for when there are future projects within the company in the future. This will also give me a deeper insight into the programmes used in a project such as a GNATT chart, this is important for a project as it helps plan the timing. I will be able to use some of the skills I have learnt during my college course to help me complete this project, the main use I will use is wiring live wires, as I will need power to the pump and also about the flow through the system. The project will help me learn about how everything has to be done within a project and how to stick with time guidelines.

Occupational standards
This project will meet a lot of different standards. It will have to meet different electrical standards, and I will have to follow company standards, this would be by using the correct PPE equipment when it is required, e.g. safety glasses for when I am drilling holes to fit the pump into an enclosure. I will be given aside time at work from my other jobs, so that I can concentrate on my project, this will give me no distractions as I won’t have to think about other jobs whilst I am completing my pump.

Transferable skills
This project will bring a lot of team working together, as I will need to talk to my mentor about what I am doing and for advice on the build of the pump. This teamwork will be shown in reflection of written reports; also it will be shown on mentor reviews. There will most likely be other team working activities, such as group discussions about the project and putting across idea’s to help improve the build. I will have to use many skills within this project and most of the will be transferable. The main skills I will use that I can transfer to other jobs/projects will be:
· Planning – Using a GNATT chart to plan all of my work throughout the project, this will help me keep on top of everything and I can see where I have to make time to complete certain sections.
· Team Work – To show leadership skills, and to work as a team within discussions and making final decisions.

Cultures and practice
Within my company there is a mixture of types of cultures, these are along the lines of the following. People here have little future vision and have given up their passion. There is average cooperation and communication, and things do work, but they do not grow. People have developed their personal relationships and decided who to stay away from, there is not much left to learn. Then the other side of the cultures within the company is that they feel good about what their company is trying to achieve and cooperate to achieve it. People here are passionate and seem to have similar goals in the organization. They use personal resources to actively solve problems and while they don’t always accept the actions of management or others around them, they see their job as important. Most everyone in this culture is operating at the level of Group.

Diary Entry

I completed a job description, this includes alot of detail about my job role, what i am expected of, a little background information about my company. I also completed my college proposal this gives full information about what my project is going to be, what practises i will be using and other important information.

Reflection: I think my job decription is detailed well because i used the job description i was given when i was interveiwed for my job. On my project proposal i think i could of spent a bit more time on it, and gave more detail about what i was doing, how i am going to do it. I will take this into consideration next time it is asked.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Task Activity 8 - Do i need a mentor?

Career Awareness

I am aware that I have to carry on with my education at college as this will help me progress through my company. The more education I pass the higher in the company I can go, this is because I will have a greater knowledge about everything that is happening and what to do it certain situations.

Career Preparation

I will have to prepare myself because I will have to choose the subjects for my degree; I have to make sure they are relevant as it will be important for my career path. If I take the right subjects and pass them it will be a great help to the company as I will have a lot of knowledge and be fully qualified within them subjects.

Career Consolidation

Learning new skills and practising within jobs will make me more competent in implying my knowledge into the jobs, and helping my other colleagues complete theirs. I will also have to understand the employer’s culture, and how they behave to certain situations and take on board how they react to things. This will help me know who to go to when I get different problems within a job or a problem with something else.

Career Expansion

If I learn new skills and pass different courses it will expand my knowledge. This will make my knowledge greater and will give me a great chance to expand in my career.

Career Advancement

Working on my career and setting goals and achieving them will give me greater knowledge in my job, I will also look more important to the company if I know a lot about what I am doing. This will give me a great chance to advance in my career within my work place, by getting promotions or to lead a product build.

Task Activity 2 – Rate Your Own Effectiveness in Work

Effectiveness rating summary
Work improvement

Diary Entry

I started on my tasks 1-9. I managed to complete two of the tasks, and i started a few more.

Reflection: To plan my time more effectively, this is so i know what i am doing and different times throughout the day.